Nose Surgery
Most of the patients suffering from chronic sinus infections don’t need surgery. Normal lifestyle changes and medical treatment usually work or keep symptoms under control. But surgery may be the best alternative only if the changes don’t work. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), a minimally invasive common surgical procedure to treat chronic sinus infections. In this procedure, the surgeon uses a magnifying nasal endoscope (telescope) inserted through the nose to see and remove affected tissue and bone. The goal of sinus surgery, in general, is to flush out infected material, open the pathways of the sinuses and clear blocked nasal passages, keep enough healthy tissue intact so that your sinuses and nose can function normally. If medical treatment hasn’t worked, surgery is performed to treat chronic sinus infection. If your doctor recommends that the surgery is the best option, you may have one of these common FESS procedures:
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is one of the most common surgical methods to treat chronic sinus infections today. In a FESS procedure, the surgeon uses an illuminated, magnifying, thin fibre-optic tube called an endoscope to see and remove affected tissue and bone.
Before FESS, surgeons used to cut directly into the external of the face to find the problem and remove it, increasing infection risk and recovery time. FESS surgery is a more precise, minimally invasive way to open the sinuses and help restore you to better health.
Any three sinus procedures mentioned below (as well as others) may be performed using FESS. Which one your ENT doctor recommends depends on what’s causing your problem.
- Ethmoidectomy
- Maxillary antrostomy
- Powered septoplasty with turbinoplasty
After the sinus surgery, your doctor may also use a powered spray to “wash out” your sinuses, helping to remove the bacteria associated with chronic sinus infections.
Once the procedure is completed and while your tissues heal, temporary nasal packing will be placed in your nose to support the newly opened sinus passages and to absorb excess fluid. Your surgeon may use a dissolvable nasal packing that is gradually absorbed by the body and doesn’t require removal, while traditional nasal packing will have to be removed by your doctor after surgery, which can be painful.
Recovery time depends on your overall health and the type of sinus surgery you have undergone. Usually, you should plan to be on leave from work or school for at least several days after your surgery. Your doctor will give you specific instructions and advice on how best to care of yourself for a speedy recovery.
Each patient manages to tolerate pain differently. Most patients control sinus surgery pain with oral pain medication. Based on the type of surgery you had, your doctor can tell you what to expect.
Bruising or facial swelling is rare, but the inside of your nose will be swollen and sore for a while. This can make breathing through your nose difficult for few days.
Getting the nasal packing removed from your nose can be a painful affair at a follow-up appointment after surgery because the tissue and fluid inside your nose can stick to traditional packing material as the nose heals.
Dr Aravind’s ENT and EYE hospital offer dissolvable nasal packing that may help your internal nose heal faster and is gradually resorbed by the body, and don’t have to endure the painful removal of traditional nasal packing.
Balloon sinus surgery (BSS) may be performed during Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) or as an alternative. During Balloon sinus surgery, the doctor uses a small balloon to expand the sinus opening and clear blocked nasal passageways. The procedure is minimally invasive, requires no cutting or removal of tissue or bones.
During the balloon sinuplasty procedure, doctors use a special tool to insert a small balloon into your nose. Once placed in the right spot, the balloon will be inflated to open and drain your blocked sinus pathways. When the nasal passages are open, the balloon is deflated and removed.
Balloon sinus surgery (BSS) has been proven to improve
Overall sinusitis symptoms:
- Headaches
- School/work time missed
- Frequency of hospital visits and acute infections
During the minimally invasive surgery, the latest navigation technology helps doctors precisely steer the balloon to the place where your sinuses are blocked. Then the balloon is inflated at the appropriate location to reshape the tissue and bone to clear the sinus pathway.
The goal of this procedure is to unblock sinus passages and
- Improve symptoms
- Reduce infections
- Minimize sinus headaches
- Help you get back to life’s routine
The sinus surgery performed at Dr Aravind’s ENT and EYE Hospital, Is minimally invasive, Offers faster recovery time.
Surgeries performed
- Septoplasty and Turbinate Surgery
- Sinus Surgery (FESS)
- Endoscopic DCR (Dacrocystorhinostomy)
- Navigation Sinus Surgery
- Balloon Sinuplasty
- CSF Leak Repair
- Anterior Skull Base Surgery (Pituitary Surgery)
- Nose & Sinus Tumor Surgery